I'm going to england tomorrow! This weekend is my birthday also, so for those of you thusly concerned, do a little dance on my behalf and maybe drop me a line saying how you're doing.
Even if you forget, I tend to celebrate my birthday the whole month of October. All days are valid. I got teased by a lot of people (namely my piano teacher) for being super enthusiastic about my birthday. So what if I have a countdown starting in April? It's a big deal. I'll be able to drink in Canada (eh?).
A philosophical musing: Learning a new language is for me as much an experience of new things as it is defining the language you already know. New distinct borders are formed in my brain. This is where English is. This is where French is. This is where they intermingle. I still mess up ever other sentence, but my comprehension is chugging along at a mighty pace. It helps that Nantes is filled with people who will correct you (in the politest, most helpful way). Thank you to random strangers for telling me to be careful with the verb baisser vs baiser. To turn down (as in lower the heat) vs. to sleep with someone (think the vulgar word). Or the phrases "Je Peux" vs. "je pu."
One means I am able, the other means I stink.
Je ne pu pas.
Had my dance class today, super duper fun. Had a dudely chat (I MISS YOU MY MANLY FRIENDS... AND MY LADY FRIENDS) with two of my gentleman friends. They were telling me about how one of the girls in class was so awesome "she made my pants explode." I think their intended message was a little less strong. #englishasasecondlanguage I mean, she was cute. But not dynamite.
Was treated to a group of guys playing at a bar. They did a song by Caravan Palace and their lady friend sang along. It gave me warm and fuzzy feelings.
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