Friday, September 2, 2011


Note the socks!

This morning I took a tour of the FACs de L'Université. We visited all the classrooms, said hello to everyone (I heard the phrase "come anytime" approx. 20x) and also saw the library. With the handy dandy university card I can rent SIX books at a time. That is twice the number I'm allowed at home. Whether this has anything to do with my late fees is a different matter.

Also in my ever eventful day I was approached by a clown in training, who wanted to practice on me. If I hadn't been late for a rendez-vous I totally would have stayed.

I visited the supermarché with a host brother, and bought some chocolat noir for my baking uses. Learned some interesting French swear words along the way and enjoyed the blaring French radio. To all Minnesotans, be assured, your plight of constant roadwork is shared by Nantes. I think I'm backsliding a little in my french speaking... I seem to become more and more incomprehesible. The benefit of this is everyone's laughing, but my face may soon mould into a constant expression of confusion.

There was one thing I did correctly today! I made chocolate chip cookies. And they are not half bad! They are closer to madeleines in consistency than the usual AMURican ones, but the dark chocolate makes it all worth it. Never again will I cook with milk chocolate. I've created a household of cookie monstres and restored some American pride :)

After dinner we had a cultural exchange of amusing internet videos. My favorites were Sarkozy explaining he had gotten drunk with the Russian head of state due to being a lightweight and the Michael Jackson "Bite It" video. If you parle francais, look it up. Hilarious.

French humor still largely escapes me, probably due to my lack of fluency. All this will change, one hopes.

1 comment:

  1. Aww, all three of you are absolutely adorable :) and I love the socks!

    What exactly would a clown practice on you...? o_0
