In many preschools there is at least one bilingual kid, who constantly mixes up their languages and ends up confusing everyone except people who are trilingual... whatever two languages and then preschooler.
Like this poor mocked child, I keep melanging my vocabulaire. And not even in ways that make sense, like simple substitutions or using a phrase which expresses something english or french doesn't. I start to talk in fractured sentences, misplaced adjectives and verbs galore, in a really weird french/english/american accent.
And then I know it is time for a nap. Which I took, for 13 hours. Whilst an alarm was set for 8 am this morning, and I dutifully put myself to bed at 11 (round of applause please), clearly something was amiss in my sleep cycle. I not only slept through my alarm, but slept until 12:30.
I must be growing again. My face was all swollen from sleeping for SO LONG, and instead of being concerned, kind supportive host siblings, I got made fun of all lunch for my puffed up eyes.
Life Lesson: Do everything perfectly in front of french people, because they are brutally honest when you don't look your best.
Speaking of brutally honest (or blatantly wonderful), I've been listening/obsessed for the last week to a famous french singer called "Georges Brassens."
Putain de toi is essentially the old(er) french version of Cee Lo Green's "F**k You." You hear drunk people singing this on the tram at n'importe quel heure.
And then "Les Amoureux des Bancs Publics." I originally mis-thought that it was about the public banks... but actually it's about public benches. It got confusing, this mis-thinking, because it talks about the people who make out on the public benches and shame everyone else. Very catchy refrain.
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