Sunday, December 4, 2011

Make Like Rabbits

I recently had a friend do some research on Nantes, and wikipedia gave some pretty interesting statistics.

"I looked up Nantes' population. Wikipedia says that it was 500,000ish in 2007 and 800,000ish in 2008. Did everyone do it like rabbits in oh-seven or should I assume some mistake somewhere?"

Unclear. But actually the website says it was roughly 280,000 in 2007, and 820,000 in 2008. INSANE population growth in a year.

Whatever could have happened? The counting methods they use probably changed. That is, of course, the boring theory.

Is this the wrong context to mention that Nantes is an awesome place to live?

Am currently chez Grandparents again, and today we celebrated the St. Nicolas with some wonderful friends and their friends. I sat next to a man who plied me with conspiracy theories about the Jesuits running the world (Maltese order has a plot to create a system of fear in the United States, thereby controlling the world) and how while Russia, China, India and Brazil are all becoming forces in the world, France will remain the most powerful country because they have the true believers who are spiritually powerful and thus will always rule. Despite the fact that France is a "pays laíc" (separation of church and state, but properly, not like our "are we aren't we" hemming in the States).

This would've been hilarious and fun and all, but when he started talking about how the CIA was funded by their drug trade (Biggest in the world! It's how the CIA has any money at all! It's all a plot!) I got a little frustrated. Getting lectured on conspiracy theories (It's no theory, it's fact!) pisses me off. Sure they do all sorts of things like waterboarding and mistakenly shooting down missionary planes and having secret programs. But orchestrating whole wars and trafficking 95% of drugs in the world (did you get those stats from the CIA factbook sir?) leaves me skeptical.

Other notable guests at the party included a handlebar moustached egocentric poet (we were treated to nine of his extensive poems, and fifty million of his extensive heroic exploits) and a warbly voiced woman who recounted the weirdest story. Twas about a bunny rabbit who gets lost in the woods, and to find her way back home she has sex with a squirrel, a porcupine and another bunny rabbit in exchange for directions.

The morals of bunny rabbits appear to be questionable. Maybe she didn't say please.

Grandparent quotes:

Granny: Why can't you lay the fire properly?
Grunkle: Why'd you break my teapot?

Granny: She doesn't look like the sugar plum fairy at all!
Grunkle: She does too. She's round and red and knee high to a grasshopper.

(Granny is in mid-lecture about something involving chores, cleaning and fire laying)
Grunkle: Touch of the verbals ay?

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