Sunday, December 25, 2011

A Happy British Christmas

Twas a beautiful christmas, filled with aunts, grandparents, uncles, cousins and a skype call home. We're cuddled up watching "Downton Abbey," my angsty melodramatic british series I can't quite decide whether I like or not.

I've limited myself to two cups of tea. I've eaten roast potatoes and veggies to perfection, the weirdest ginger bread chocolate covered things ("I don't like the look of them things" -Auntie Gemma) and so many jellybeans I could die. Of happiness.

We played categories until I went cross-eyed, and I would've won both rounds but apparently a nun is NOT something you find in a garden. And my strategy of making up band names was thwarted, though I always claimed "it's an obscure american band." Who knows, there are so many hipster bands there's always a chance.

Highlight of the game was when for the letter G and "found in a teenager's bedroom" my aunt put "G-String." My cousin asked...

"Mummy, do most teenagers play guitar?"

The best ones do.

Last night's midnight mass was highlighted by the first attractive british gentleman I've seen so far (Mythbusters, you ought to dedicate an episode to that). And a lecteur who rolled EVERY SINGLE R in what will go down as the best Birrrth of Chrrrist rrreading everrrr. To top it all off, the organist was believed to be drunk, as he refused to hold a tempo the choir could follow.

Goodnight, I leave you with this amazing quote.

"90% of toys given this Christmas in England were made in China. Which makes the chinese in fact... elves."

God bless english stand up comedy.

1 comment:

  1. this is my favorite of your posts thus far.. though I admit I can't remember all of them. found myself attempting to reenact the R-rolling (never good), and I wish I could've witnessed that organist.. the music at my Christmas Eve mass was, instead, a middle aged white woman who seemed to think she was Whitney Houston.. though I think she hit one of the high notes (tops) all night. painful. to make it worse her mother who was supposedly singing with her was really only there for turning pages as her daughter looked immensely offended every time she tried to join in. Hope you had a Happy Christmas (since you're in britain and all)
    xoxo Chuck and Cindy
