Thursday, October 13, 2011

Minnesota Nice

So I've been educating y'all about french slang. But I've had people from 17 countries reading this, so I figured for those of you who are international, a catch up (ketchup) on Minnesooooota slang is in order.

Ya betcha- You bet.

Dontcha know- Don't you know?

Ohyahsure- Oh, yes sure. Typically followed by "ya betcha"

Uff da- Exclamation of dismay. Or frustration.

Pop- Soda. Not that I drink anyways, but if you say soda, you get funny looks.

Comfy- Comfortable

and two words that I've never heard outside the state (or even outside Minneapolis)

Dangles- Tough to describe. Involved sports prowess and maneuvering around someone with great finesse.

Janky- Something that is falling apart.

Update later on actual things that have happened. Am in a bit of a rush to meet up with a french friend to have an exchange!

1 comment:

  1. Wait, comfy isn't a thing outside of Minnesota?! mind. blown.
