Monday, August 15, 2011

The Trials of Shporty/The Best Day Ever

Today so far has been the highlight of my adventures.

The weather was fantastic, the food mind/stomach boggling and the company highly entertaining.

We began this morning with a scrumptious breakfast. There were "oeufs durs" or "hard eggs" (misspelled). The english translation was killer. "Hardly Boiled Eggs."

To my taste buds they were actually very well boiled.

Granny Peppa has also been increasingly worried about what she calls my "klepto habits." So what if I take all the tissues, shampoo and tea I can find? I'm in poor student mode. I've only bought two things so far (an ice cream and a sandwich). And tissues are unbelievably useful.

I lost my wee booklet (courtesy of my darling friend California) and recruited a maid to help me find it in the hotel. In her haste, she ran up the stairs, tripped and did a somersault. We never did find it (I found it later in my luggage) but it was a good laugh.

Visited the chateau of Chinon, learned about Joan of Arc and Agnes Sobel. Ms. Sobel was the young mistress of Charles 2, who displayed prominently her left breast in all portraits and was poisoned at the age of 25.

Shporty has had some trials of late, poor thing.

Shporty: I don't crash regularly!
Peppa: Only on Sundays.

He took a tumble on his bike in Chinon and bruised himself quite badly. Then today at lunch we were eating when all of a sudden...

Doubleoseven "whose bike is that?"

Shporty's bike was being pissed on by a neighborhood dog. Consider it territory well marked.

He also fell into a ditch from exhaustion, got a headache later on during dinner and threw up a half an hour ago. Poor kid.

Other than that though, it's been a GREAT day. We cheered Granny and Grunkle up every hill and dale, went out for ice creams and I accidentally ordered chocolate chicken (they caught my pronunciation error... it was a long day.) We debated the dangers of walking vs driving drunk (in terms of statistics and not experience) and learned about a certain member of the family's close shave. Literally :)

Two final quotes!

Simon: Lucas, Sam, let's go have fun!
Lucas: (dejected) Right now?

(I'm talking about soul mates with Granny)
Grunkle: You aren't talking about me now, are you?
Granny: Oh darling, as if I ever stop.

Thank you to my dearest Ruthie for my mailed package. Grunkle said he cut strips out of it, but I smacked him and found it was a lie. Muchas Gracias et Merci Beaucoup.

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