Friday, November 11, 2011

Fudge Crisis

So recently I've tried to give up swearing. It's just a rather unpleasant habit that I've started doing too much, given that most people don't understand how colorful my language is. Anyways, I had a lapse today with my campaign and was telling Grunkle about how "bullshit" not having savory foods for breakfast was.

Yes, this is a minor obsession.

Anyways the following conversation.

Me: My apologies for swearing.
Grunkle: It's not swearing, "bullshit" is an expression.
Me: It's a swear word. I'm trying to stop swearing.
Grunkle: No, it's an expression. You need to stop expressing yourself.

This afternoon we decided to make english fudge. I had a minor existential crisis when I was told that THEIR FUDGE HAS NO CHOCOLATE IN IT.

Am I alone in thinking that fudge is always with chocolate?

Spoken today:

Granny: Bear, what skullduggery have you been up to in the garden?

Now it is dark. Grunkle is currently cooking/blowing up chestnuts in the wood stove, my toffee apples I created are disappearing at a rapid rate, and the grandparents are arguing over how to scrub carrots correctly.


Granny: I don't think you should have so much whisky, it's making you obstreperous.


Noisy and difficult to control
  • - the boy is cocky and obstreperous

Quite. You learn new words in every language these days. My other favorite comes from Scotland.

"Tartle" is when you forget someone's name whilst you are attempting to introduce them.

We just call that awkward in the States.

My new favorite phrase was coined during dinner. We were talking about the romantic lives of artists (not necessarily that they have lives that are romantic, but the romances they have.). And how to find hilarious ads like "Couple cherche un autre couple pour un aprés-midi d'exploration."

My phrase:

"Chaud lapin cherche un froid lapin pour réchauffage." Hot rabbit seeking cold rabbit for reheating.

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