Pardon the absence, we've been battling all sorts of things. Hard to think of a concrete list, except that we've just gotten incredibly busy. And sick. And comfortable with tummies full of delicious food (the food went markedly up a couple days ago, after I gave the cook a piece of chocolate. Yep, we shall be doing that more often.) which we try our best to keep inside us. We've also been given concrete schedules for the school, which means that we can plan lessons (making animal sounds has been our biggest hit... learning english nouns and screaming!!) and aim to arrive at a specific time. Not just between 8am and 12 pm.
I'm now writing from a mountainside café, all alone because I let my bestie walk down the mountain without me, because she was feeling sick and (understandably) wouldn't wait for me to take my sweet time on skype, email and the blog. My redemption is therefore writing to all of y'all, and afterwards buying a coca cola for her to express my shame.
We now have approx. 2.5 weeks left of leaving our mark forever on Lakshmi Devi Academy before we embark on a tour of northern India. During this time we will get fancy trousers ideally suited for romping made, eat everything we can lay hands on (mild exaggeration) and walk up and down the mountain to experience the joys of wifi that quits only every other hour, and not every 20 minutes.
The power of perspective. In fact, I'm fairly certain the wifi here is better than what we get at home, but then again it has been nearly 10 months since I've been around more than four americans at once. Why americans have anything to do with internet servers is puzzling, but the service I get when there are loads of them around is dreadful. Here in this café I don't even need to go back home, as they have all sorts of "american specialties." Aka Chocolate chip cookies. Jacqui will go into greater detail about this wonderland, when she has finished walking down the mountain and feeling ill.
More updates: It has yet to get really hot here, thank goodness. The monkeys are still evil, and enjoy playing peekaboo-bare-my-teeth with us out of garbage cans. We have read collectively over 4,000 pages of various Pulitzer prize winners and classic novels from our home library, and play this odd game of sticking bars of chocolate where the other person is sure to find it and feel very very confused.
I probably ought to go settle my café bill and find my friend passed out from the plague somewhere. I do everything with the best of intentions.
I'm now writing from a mountainside café, all alone because I let my bestie walk down the mountain without me, because she was feeling sick and (understandably) wouldn't wait for me to take my sweet time on skype, email and the blog. My redemption is therefore writing to all of y'all, and afterwards buying a coca cola for her to express my shame.
We now have approx. 2.5 weeks left of leaving our mark forever on Lakshmi Devi Academy before we embark on a tour of northern India. During this time we will get fancy trousers ideally suited for romping made, eat everything we can lay hands on (mild exaggeration) and walk up and down the mountain to experience the joys of wifi that quits only every other hour, and not every 20 minutes.
The power of perspective. In fact, I'm fairly certain the wifi here is better than what we get at home, but then again it has been nearly 10 months since I've been around more than four americans at once. Why americans have anything to do with internet servers is puzzling, but the service I get when there are loads of them around is dreadful. Here in this café I don't even need to go back home, as they have all sorts of "american specialties." Aka Chocolate chip cookies. Jacqui will go into greater detail about this wonderland, when she has finished walking down the mountain and feeling ill.
More updates: It has yet to get really hot here, thank goodness. The monkeys are still evil, and enjoy playing peekaboo-bare-my-teeth with us out of garbage cans. We have read collectively over 4,000 pages of various Pulitzer prize winners and classic novels from our home library, and play this odd game of sticking bars of chocolate where the other person is sure to find it and feel very very confused.
I probably ought to go settle my café bill and find my friend passed out from the plague somewhere. I do everything with the best of intentions.
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